General Institutional Information

Accreditations & Approvals

西顿希尔大学是由中部州高等教育委员会全国认可的. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is a voluntary, non-governmental membership association that defines, 维护和促进具有不同使命的机构的卓越教育, student populations and resources. 委员会致力于通过同行评价认证来保证和改进质量. 中部州的认证向公众灌输了对机构使命的信心, goals, 绩效和资源通过其严格的认证标准及其执行.




Click here for Discipline Accreditations & Approvals held by Seton Hill University.

Availability of Information (for Students)

学生每年都会被告知最简单的方法来查找与他们相关的信息, 包括在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台网站上提供的信息, in the University Catalog, and in the Student and Institutional Policy sections of PolicyTech

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Educational Records (FERPA) Policy

Student Activities 

学生参与办公室在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台规划委员会(SHPB)成员的协助下计划学生活动和项目。. 我们强烈鼓励对项目有想法或希望参与校园活动和活动选择的学生加入规划委员会. 活动包括有计划的社会和文化活动以及自发的节目. 为了满足上海大学学生的不同兴趣,学校提供了各种各样的活动. Popular activities include trips to Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., various regional amusement parks; Pittsburgh sporting events; museum, ballet, and theatre trips; recent release movie screenings; various types of aerobic classes; and musicians, comedians, and other entertainers on campus. Learn more about student activities here.


In accordance with the University’s Antihazing Policy在任何与大学有关的活动中,都禁止任何形式的欺侮行为. Any individual(s) in the University community, including faculty, staff, 和/或大学赞助的学生组织或俱乐部参与欺侮将受到立即的纪律处分.  尽管违规者可能会根据Timothy J .的规定承担任何民事或刑事责任,但大学可能会对违规者实施制裁. Piazza Antihazing Law.  In accordance with the legal reporting requirements, 截至2020-21学年,西顿希尔大学在过去五年中没有任何违反其反欺侮政策或与欺侮有关的联邦或州法律的行为.

Disability Services

残疾学生(永久性或暂时性)可能需要各种各样的服务, accommodations, or auxiliary aids.  Decisions about these services are based on documentation, interview, knowledge of specific needs, and compliance with 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008.  残疾事务主任及残疾事务副主任与残疾学生紧密合作,通过安排合理的住宿来评估和满足个人需求, which may include readers, notes, extended testing time, distractions-reduced testing environments, and access to special adaptive equipment and e-text, among others.  

残疾学生可致电(724)837-4295或 to determine eligibility for services.  所有寻求住宿的学生必须在提供任何住宿之前向残疾服务办公室自行披露.  Although students may self-disclose at any time, 学校强烈鼓励学生在学术生涯的早期就自我表露.  如果可能的话,建议一年级学生在秋季学期开始前的夏天披露. 

Student Outcomes

Price of Attendance

Net Price Calculator

优质教育是你能做的最重要的投资之一. At Seton Hill, 我们将直接与您和您的家人合作,为您提供经济援助,以帮助您尽可能负担得起澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台的教育. Our Net Price Calculator 是为了帮助你估计你的优秀奖学金,经济援助和费用.

Cash Management

Nelnet is the University's cash management servicer. 

College Navigator

College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics

Refund/Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Textbook Information

Visit the Campus Bookstore website.

Academic Programs, Facilities and Faculty 


Seton Hill University, as an educational institution and as an employer, values equality of opportunity, human dignity, and racial/ethnic and cultural diversity. Accordingly, 大学禁止也不会从事基于种族的歧视或骚扰, color, religion, national origin, genetic information, age, marital status, familial status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status. 此外,大学将继续采取积极措施,支持和推进这些价值观. This policy applies to admissions, employment, and access to and treatment in University programs and activities. 这是由大学作出的承诺,并符合联邦法律, state, and/or local laws and regulations.

For more information, please visit our Harassment-Free Community and Title IX page and view our Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy.  鼓励那些经历过被禁止行为的人使用以下联系信息与第九条协调员联系.  西顿希尔大学的学生和员工也可以通过我们的 online reporting system.  投诉也可直接向美国民权办公室提出.S. Department of Education at (800) 421-3481 or by email at

Michelle Walters, Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (724) 552-2923

President Mary Finger, 以及来自宾夕法尼亚州西南部其他12所学院和大学的校长, 通过这个特别节目,反对大学校园里的性暴力 Southwest PA Says No More initiative.

University Statement on Peaceful Protest 

Seton Hill University's mission as a Catholic, 塞顿尼亚大学鼓励民间话语,支持就促进人类生命的神圣性和每个人的尊严的问题进行和平抗议. As we educate students committed to transforming the world, 西顿希尔对申请人和被录取学生的录取决定不会受到学校因学生参加和平活动而采取的纪律处分的影响, responsible and lawful demonstrations.

Distance/Online Education

Mandatory Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure

In accordance with the U.S. 教育部2019年《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》,2020年7月1日起生效 Mandatory Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure 是由西顿希尔大学提供的有关专业执照和认证的教育要求.

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements

NC-SARA logo

西顿希尔大学已被宾夕法尼亚州联邦批准参加国家授权互惠协议全国委员会. NC-SARA是一种自愿的、区域性的方法,用于国家监督高等教育远程教育.

State Student Complaint Process

Teacher Preparation Program

Title II Report (PDF)

基础教育(Pre -4)与特殊教育(Pre -12)计划

Student Financial Assistance 

Sample Loan Repayment Schedule

When it comes time to repay your Federal Direct Student Loan, you will need to select a repayment plan. There are several repayment plans: standard, extended, graduated, income contingent, income based, and pay-as-you earn. 根据你选择的还款计划,你需要付多少钱和多长时间来偿还贷款. Consolidation loans also have varying repayment plans. 

教育部有贷款偿还计算器,学生可以用它来估计联邦学生贷款的每月偿还金额. 进入这个网页,然后用你的联邦学生援助ID (FSA ID)登录.

State Grant Information 

Loan Information

Private Loan Information

Health & Safety 

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

《澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台》小册子[根据《澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台》的要求]每年出版,并由注册主任分发给每个学生,作为注册的一部分. 两年期的报告在那里被参考,并保存在预防事务办公室的档案中. 在每个学期结束时召开的AOD工作组会议上,这些制裁措施将被参考. 会议记录由预防服务办公室存档,并分发给所有AOD工作队成员. For more information, please view the Institutional Health and Safety Policies in PolicyTech

Vaccination Policies

Please refer to the Student Policies section of PolicyTech for more information or view our Security Report.

Missing Student Policy

Seton Hill University takes student safety very seriously.  To this end, 为了帮助找到住在大学所有的西顿希尔学生,制定了以下政策, campus housing, which based on the facts and circumstances known to the University, are determined to be missing.  本政策符合2008年高等教育法第488条的规定. 

如果大学社区的成员有理由相信住在校园宿舍的学生失踪了, 他或她应立即致电724-830-4999通知西顿希尔大学校园警察局.  西顿希尔大学校园警察局将发布一份失踪人口报告并展开调查.

After investigating a missing person report, 西顿希尔大学校园警察局是否应该认定该学生已经失踪24小时, 西顿希尔大学将在确定学生失踪后不迟于24小时通知格林斯堡警察局和学生的紧急联系人.  如果失踪的学生未满18岁并且不是一个独立的人, 在西顿希尔大学校园警察确定学生失踪24小时后,西顿希尔大学将立即通知学生的父母或法定监护人.

大学将要求所有学生每年提供, on a voluntary basis, 如果学生在大学任职期间被正式报告失踪,请提供联系信息.

If students wish to change their emergency contact information, 他们可以向注册主任办公室提交书面信件.

Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

Please refer to Campus Safety.  

Athletic Program 

Voter Registration Information 

选民登记表格可在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台金融服务和登记办公室或在 Westmoreland County website.

Copyright Policies

Copyright Policies (pdf)

Grievances & Appeals

如果你正在参加任何澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台课程,并且你对你在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台的经历有抱怨, you have two options.

1. 你可以遵循Seton Hill的学生投诉流程,详情如下.

Grievance & Appeal Procedures


  • 学生应与教师预约讨论问题和/或担忧. This step must take place before any further action can occur. 唯一例外的情况是,如果学生觉得她/他有人身危险,可以直接与教师会面.
  • 如果学生与教师见过面,仍然不满意, 她/他应与学院院长或研究生项目主任(或系主任)会面, if a student is in the Visual and Performing Arts School). If appropriate, 研究生项目主任院长可以安排三方会议讨论提出的问题. 如果这个问题在视觉和表演艺术部的系主任级别上没有得到解决, the student should make an appointment with the Dean.
  • If the concern is not resolved at the school level, the student should make an appointment with the Provost. Prior to the meeting, 学生将被告知,教务长将与学院院长协商,以确定该问题如何处理到目前为止. Depending on the student complaint, if the issue is not resolved, 教务长可能会建议学生考虑提交正式的学术申诉.
  • 如果在与教务长会面后问题没有得到解决,学生决定不提交正式的学术申诉, the decision of the Provost in these matters is final.

Academic Grievance Board

如果任何学生认为她/他有理由对学术问题不满(通常与评分有关), 学生可以书面要求教务长启动学生申诉程序. The student must explain her/his grounds for grievance, 这一要求必须在课程成绩公布后两周内提出. 教务长将与相关的教师和学生讨论此事, 然后帮助他们建立一个特别申诉委员会,就申诉召开会议. 该会议将不迟于投诉后本学期的第二周举行. This board will consist of two faculty members and two students, agreed upon by both parties, and a fifth member from the University community, chosen by the previously mentioned four. 如果相关教员在两周内没有任命两名教员加入董事会, the Provost will appoint them. The Grievance Board will act in an advisory capacity to the Provost. 申诉委员会必须在会议后两周内提出建议. The decision of the Provost is final in these matters.

You may also contact the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, which is Seton Hill's regional accrediting agency. 

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

3624 Market Street

Philadelphia PA 19104-2680

Telephone: (267) 284-5000

Fax: (215) 662-5501 

2. If you reside outside of Pennsylvania while attending Seton Hill, 在许多情况下,你可以在你居住的州提出投诉. As required by federal regulations, we direct you to a list of resources here,由国家高等教育行政官员汇编和更新.